Saturday, August 14, 2010

Freshman Orientation at Mandarin HS

For the first time in over 10 years Student Venture has made its dramatic debut at Mandarin High School to the Freshman class of 2010-2011
The excitement in the cafeteria was incredible! Students from last year's Christian Club came to help represent and are full of faith that this year Student Venture is going to have a big impact!
Just this morning I was reminded that it's not anything we can do by ourselves as Zeph 4:6 says, "Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty"

We not only met several new incoming freshmen, but also parents who are so grateful to hear there are other Christian students with morals and values who will be a positive influence for their kids!
Many of the parents I met were transferring their kids from private Christian or Catholic schools to attend public school for the first time. The fear and concern on their faces was undeniable! I'm so grateful Student Venture is here not only to reach out to the lost kids who have no spiritual influence in their life, but also to help those who do have a relationship with God and want to continue growing in their walk with God!

Our after school meeting will give Christian students an opportunity to lead others to the Lord and be a positive example to their peers. We will have weekly discussion groups for students to interact, share prayer requests and pray for each other. We will create a safe and welcoming environment where they will be accepted and loved unconditionally with the grace and forgiveness that Christ offers all of us!
Please pray for the first day of school, August 23rd, that God leads us to the teacher and classroom where we will be holding our weekly meetings.

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